Friday, April 15, 2011


Sometimes I can't help but think, in the current society, is dating comparable to being in a relationship?
Since, there are kissing and cuddling, then what defines a couple?
How do we actually know what are we even before the crucial question pops out?

How many of us really mean it when we say, I love you. & how can we define love from affection?
Personally, when I say that I love somebody, it actually comes with great responsibilities and commitments. Sometimes, I can't even bring myself to say these magical words, even to my other half.
I feel as if these words are being abused, it is so overly-used that it slowly loses its importance.

There are many elements that makes up a relationship and between these elements, there are countless grey zones that left people wondering. Affection & love, passion & lust, chemistry & feelings etc. So many grey zones that are so hard to define and inevitably drives us crazy. Whoever that said that status didn't matter must be a liar. People want to know and be acknowledged of their positions in another's heart.

The grey zones creates embarrassing moments and suspicions when one isn't acknowledged. they feel unimportant and unjust in circumstances. Imagine a scenario where you bumped into a friend with your un-sure other half, how are you supposed to introduce them as? A companion, fling, girlfriend or simply just friends?

  • A companion - someone you feel attracted to and provides company.
  • A fling - with or without feelings, but lust and pleasure is the only important element.
  • A boyfriend - A guy that provides affection, love, passion and commitments.
  • A friend - no feelings nor commitments, straight forward company.
Soemtimes, we are so overly obsessed with the status that we neglects our feelings towards each other. Quarrels and arguments arises from these uncertainties and we start feeling insecure. Was it because of the uncertainties, in security or was it just our selfishness that becomes our own obstacles? We evolves into these mindless beings in love in pursuit of what? If we can calm down and ask ourselves these questions, perhaps we could handle these uncertainties and choose the right, appropriate words with a clear state of mind.

These, if you are uncertain, ask. Ask in a correct manner without any clouds in your head to blur your perspective. If you choose the easier way out of not communicating at all, don't blame others for your insecurities. After asking, you will eventually get your answer, either physically or verbally, but before you get your answers, learn to guard to your heart.


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