Saturday, April 9, 2011


When I was on my way home alone, I thought of what kind of person I am.
I had the sudden urge to list it down and see how much of it is true.

I have mood swings sometimes.
I think a lot sometimes.
I pretend that I don't care sometimes.
I am chubby.
I try to increase my self-esteem constantly.
I do not love all the kids.
I love animals.
I like having the attention.
I like to be sweet talked sometimes.
I mean what I say to family and friends. (Only family & friends)
I stand firm on my principles.
I analyze people.
I fail to analyze situation sometimes.
I talk a little too much.
I am a little too friendly.
I am loyal to my friends and family.
I see what you are worth. (both materialistically and non)
I really stop giving chances when I go all out.
I try to be nice.
I am a little materialistic.
I am a little spoilt.
I don't give a fuck about people I don't like.
I sometimes ruin peoples' life.
I like watching the movie.
I like leaning on someone.
I like cuddling.
I enjoy kissing.
I am open-minded. (talk only)
I am conservative.
I get bored very soon.
I love to sleep.
I am lazy.
I procrastinate a little too much.
I like taking the short cuts.
I prefer to plan my time.
I hate having no plans.
I am semi-determined.
I like to have a little authority.
I like to be doted on.
I am slightly better inclined academic wise.
I know how to talk.
I like to make fun of people, unknowingly.
I feel insecure sometimes.
I adore pretty things.
I like things plain and simple.
I will still get jealous.
I am still a girl.
I am loud.
I love shoes.
I enjoy making jokes.
I enjoy making friends.
I will say if I feel uncomfortable.

& now I'm sleepy.



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