Saturday, April 2, 2011


I constantly feel like there is something lacking in my life.
I don't feel like a whole, it's like something is missing.

Initially, I thought that it was passion, but I figured out that I haven't started on my passion, and my passion would probably be my work and a part of me. I guess I shall just leave that to my future.

Then, I thought that it was love. Yes, I've met a whole lot of awesome guys, but it is not true that I set my standards too high, I just wanted to be appreciated and accepted. Apparently, it is so god damn hard. I came out with a conclusion that perhaps I'm looking at love at a very wrong time.

Now, I think that it is because of disciplinary issues. I can't be disciplined, cause when I line up my priorities, it seemed like I didn't exactly excel in anything. What's worse is everyone who know me well enough know that I'm lacking of fucking discipline.

  1. Studies
  2. Family
  3. Work
  4. Money
  5. Appearance


I might have good results, but it's not up to my expectations yet, the time and effort that I put in to my studies are also not what I expect myself to. I go to class late, I skip school sometimes, I can't seemed to study when there is really a need to. I want a good grade and I know that I can, but it's just that I can't find the discipline to really do it.


I want to spend time with my parents, I am very grateful towards them for tolerating such a wild child for so many years. Now that I am more sensible, the only thing I can do for them is making time for them. Yet, I always choose the easier way out. I feel like shit and sometimes when I do feel like shit, I spend time with them because I am guilty of my duty being a daughter. I don't want to spend time with them because my conscience tells me to, I want to have the discipline to spend time with them.


I dread going to work, I am so damn lazy. I know that nobody like to work, but at least they are responsible. Sometimes, I just stone at work or doze off because my right brain tells me to not give a fuck. I feel so bad because I feel bad, feel bad dozing off and not doing my job. I don't have the discipline of sleeping early and waking up early because it is my responsibility. Sometimes at work, I feel like shit too.


I just can't save for fuck's sake.


I know I'm fat, or maybe a better term, chubby. I want to go on a diet, I want to exercise because I know I am responsible for my body. I give up running and swimming after a week because it is too tedious. I tell myself that it is because I can't make time due to work to exercise. I tell myself that I can't find a buddy to run with. All these are bullshit, and it's just due to plain laziness. Because I ran myself today, after work, after hanging out with my friends. It is possible, but I'm lacking of the fucking discipline.

Suddenly, I feel so disappointed in myself.
I want to be better.
Will I?


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