Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dear Diary,
I'm bored. ):

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dear Diary,
Lets pray for my upcoming results.
Somehow, I feel better with tons of workload, but not stress ):
Granny's leaving on 5th March, to US.
Somehow, whenever reminded, I'll feel something sour beneath.
Of course, I want my Gram to be happy, but her leaving for a year or so, maybe it's a little to long for me to hold my misses?
Ben just called, telling me about his enlistment, yet another farewell.
I hate bidding farewells, for it marks the end of those faithful events and sweethearts.
Dear oh dear, chide me to bed.
Good night sweets. (:

"O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art
As glorious to this night, being o'er my head
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes
Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him
When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds
And sails upon the bosom of the air."

Adapted by Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespears.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dont delay to help.
Jordan was a filial child, however while taking his polytechnic examinations, he fell ill and vomited blood.
Results were still unsure, however partial of the cells in his brain are dead.
Please, have a heart, help him.
Life is vulnerable, I saw his mother crying outside his ward, she was devastated.
It's a shame that my blood type wasn't suitable, the least I could do was to console and pray.
Help if you can, stop giving excuses, it's a life at stake.
Don't delay, if you have blood B+ or O+ please call NUH, (65) 6772 5356 / 5357 
Specially state that, it's for Tan Jun Jie Jordan.
I/C no. of S9010111J, NUH Ward 21 Bed 11.
Registration ends at 6.30pm and starts from 8.00am.
Although his chance of survival is minimal, but believe in miracles.
There isn't much time left.
Jordan's tomorrow might be taken away anytime.
P.s. you can email me at tan_shihan@hotmail.com or text me at 94568876 and provide me with your particulars so that I can add into the waiting list for you.


Monday, February 9, 2009

♥ Give & take.
I'd learnt that, yesterday.
There is always something you'll lose to gain, you might gain more, or maybe lesser however it's part and parcel of life.
It was a really frustrating day for me yesterday, thing's wasn't going as smoothly as expected.
People are getting on my nerves, however nothing constructive had been done.
Well, that's the first part of my post.
The second part is where someone stood by me, when I was feeling so down and was on the verge of giving up.
He accompanied, she listened, she called and advised.
Although it wasn't exactly a big quarrel, I'm still glad she advised.
A nice place to go whenever you're down, even when you're not, you'll feel better.
Sometimes it's good to slow down pace, and learn to appreciate things that we have.
Marina Barrage

Emotionally frustrated

; An exit of the city.

When night falls.


A surprise.

The girl's all well.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dear Diary,
Many have been complaining on how lazy I am.
Well, it's not that I don't care about my blog and continue with my stories, it's just that, I'm so busy that I actually get aches everywhere.
Oh, by the way I'm going to buy a new study table, which I hope I can buy it today. ♥
I guess I'm falling sick soon, catching flu and such.
I've been planning for a day out with my three cute lil cats, but it's rather troublesome as they poo around,
& of course I wouldn't want them to poo in the car, I wonder if they'd be like my previous cat which is so obedient and stays around me when we're out.
I'm actually finding activities to help distress myself, due to all my over-the-edge-pressing deadlines and looming examinations drawing near.
How I feel like crying to someone.
I've come to a conclusion that Internet doesn't help much, instead vice-versa, now I feel the stress overwhelming me.
Time to get my ass on the coach and study. Sigh.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bon Voyage, my love.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A lesson learnt
Often we'd be harsh, acting on impulse.
We'd offer explanations after lecturing, which some of the time, the explanation doesn't matter anymore.
People whom want to stay away from trouble, would simply ignore, hence even the most knowledgeable statement becomes bullshit.

He held his ego high, it started of with self-esteem, but slowly it became ego as his statements becomes judgemental.
He was among the best, many envied him, admire him, and some even worshipped him.
Yes, no doubt he was among the best, he had the experience, he had the knowledge, but just lack of one thing, the understanding.
He was a young lad, with people working under him.
Most of a time, he'd expect people to listen attentively, questions could be make, but it must be questions that are soothing to his ears.
He was a great friend of course, successful young man at his age, charming with his good sense of humor.
However, he never learnt to listen, even his closest friend.
He's so used to commanding and thus forget the simplest virtue of listening.
His story was almost perfect, he is still successful.
Just that, he doesn't have anyone that he could confide in, and most of them were more of acquaintance than friend.
That was a shame, for somebody that successful.