Thursday, October 1, 2009

In this realistic world what is more true than kinship?
Friendship, relationship, whatever.
We got to admit that the world is practical.
People are practical.
Nothing is not about money, nothing is not about status.
Wearing a Prada instead of an unknown China brand is a difference.
People see you differently.
Having an Oxford degree instead of any University in Taiwan is an investment.
We, human beings know all these facts.
We people know how practical this world is.
But often, inevitably we still get hurt by changing lifestyles, people, environment and even ourselves.
We ask ourselves why is people around us changing, why is prices increasing, why is my pay lower and lower.
Everyone knows, this is practical, the world is never about fair play.
We break ties, bonds and heart all for our own interest.
You're born wealthy, good for you.
But if you're born poor, too bad, suffer in poverty.
People come and go, people might just stab you on the back and leaves.
The hurt will always remain, blame yourself for not being careful.
Nothing is forever, every ties will be broken.
Even your closest friend, or your dearest companion.
This is life. Face it.

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