Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm sorry.
It was the worst day ever.
A day, where I lost control of my own emotions,
a day, I lectured someone I loved,
a day, where guilty conscious overcame my senses.

5 years ago, I've knew you.
I had already forgotten how long had you been my soulmate..
You've always been there. Now, that I appreciate.
I'm sorry, if you couldn't accept it.
Because of a mistake I made 5 years ago..
I've lost a soulmate, whom is so close by my heart.
Good bye, I'll never forget you.
My best friend.

The problem had never been solved.
One faithful day, he finally lost control of himself and poured out all the emotions within.
All along, I knew he cared.
I wanted to be the responsible girl he wanted..
I'm sorry dad.
I love you.

It was a day, where I felt I've lost everything. Including myself.
All the sickness falls, I'm trying to pull myself together.
Really trying.

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