Sunday, March 6, 2011

Boys: Annoying ones.

Girls, have you ever met a guy that is so annoying that you feel like screaming at him?
I did. A few in fact.
The top 4 in the annoying list...

4. Scornful idiots.

Most of these scornful idiots owns a transport. They think that their transport gives them an upper hand. Yes, I must admit that having a transport gives you an upper hand, but your scornful attitudes? Only dumb girls can take that.
These men like to use phrases like,"Worry for what? I can send you home." Or,"Walk home yourself lor." Similar phrases with that boastful tone that I find it annoyingly annoying.
Honestly, men should be more humble, less egoistic. Cause egoistic brings you no where. So what if you have a transport, do I look like I have no money for cabs?
The way these men put it just make themselves sound stupid and shallow.
I've also met those without transport but similarly, egoistic. They like to make themselves sound like they're superman or something. Exaggerating their abilities, or put it in a crude way, saying that their balls are as big as a soccer ball, which is impossible.

3. Crocodiles.

Why do I categorized them as crocodiles are simply because, their skins are as thick as crocodiles. These creatures don't understand the word NO. They'd ask you out again and again even after constant rejections. My constant rejections do not refer to rejecting 2 ~ 4 times in a row. That might be because the girl is busy. My constant rejections refers to rejecting for 7~8 times, day after day. Have you gotten that before? It was awfully annoying and I ended up not replying, but clearly, Mr. Crocodile didn't get it. Sent me messages at least twice a day, without me replying and reporting to me what he was doing. Hell, do I look like I even care? Even after telling him straight to his stupid thick-skinned face to stop annoying me, he still did. Till now, I just have to ignore him.

2. If 10 is the maximum, I'm your 12.

Referring to guys who do not know where they stand. I'm sure every single girl met such a guy before. These men, have no idea how they look like, how they talk, how they present themselves and have no common sense. Just imagine..
Jennifer Aniston & Ah Nan (Local celeb)

You get what I'm saying.
I mean, go for someone your standard.
There was this guy, who can't even speak proper English tried hooking me up.

Man: Hi. Can make frd wit u?
Me: No.
Man: Why cannot.
Me: I don't like talking to strangers.
Man: It okay then.
Me: It's not okay. It should be It's okay instead of it okay. Brush up your English before trying to hook girls up?
Man: ...

Okay, I was having my mood swings then. I'm not normally like this.

1. Petty boys.

These are not pretty boys, but petty boys. Boys who act like girls. Hate them!
"Be a man, do the right thing." But why these idiots just don't get it?
For instance, after a break up, not even a divorce, they act like their exs are their enemies. Please, that is a fucking girl thing. If you tell me that you feel hurt facing them, fine, I understand. You don't go telling people stuffs about them. That's plain childish because your ex did not fuck you up to her friends. I realized that there is an increasing amount of these men boys who are acting in this lady-like manner. Stop being so petty, can't you just let go of these issues and move on? Stop picking on your ex or being all so petty. It is really a major turn-off. Cause it is equivalent to whiny boys. Which is equivalent to gay. Stop being a gay. Be a man and stop bearing grudges. Morons.

Boys, do not feel offended cause everyone have their flaws.
Just change if you think that you resemble one of these type.

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