Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Girls out there, here's your answer to all the mysteries of man! 

1. Why he love Oral Sex?
Men don't just love oral because it feels good but in fact, they love it because it makes them feel accepted. It is a huge turn-on for them when their companion goes down on them. Men are visual creatures, so position where they can see you. 

2. Why he gets tongue-tied saying "I love you"
When he gets choke on his words, it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. Men have difficulty making the right brain talk to the left brain so that they can access emotion and language simultaneously. That's why for a lot of men, it is difficult for them to verbalize their their love in a manner that does not feel forced or phony. However, they show their affection through other means, when he cook for you or gives you a massage. 

3. Why doesn't he just listen?
If you call a friend and say, "I'm having a crappy day," she'll put everything on hold and ask, "Are you okay?" Your partner, on the other hand, hears your complaints and tries to explain why it isn't so bad.
There is a difference between how men and women process stress.
Women will instinctively talk in order to feel better, while men are more likely to focus on the problem and try to fix the problem. Which explains why a listening ear does not come automatically to men.

4. Why he keeps checking out other women
If a man have wandering eyes, it doesn't mean that he does not love his partner, but it is his biology at work.
Men's brain are wired to look at female shapes and is why erotic images appeal to them so much. In addition, the poor guys lacks of the peripheral vision, thus tends to turn their heads to look.

Now you have your answer solved, it is just their biology pattern to have weird habits. *perspective of a girl! :)
Topic of the day: Cocky People 

Tiring day today!
After abandoning the idea of having new extensions, I went to Causeway Point with my boyfriend to study.
Due to a packed Starbucks, I went to a restaurant at the ground floor to study, and just beside me sat two young males, perhaps in their twenties? Which I guessed from their apparently loud conversation that they were students of SIM. Well, I don't exactly discriminate people who used crude languages but I'd not encourage to actually speak in these languages in public.
Enough of moral education, back to the subject.
These two young guy sat in a manner as if they were rich kids, well perhaps they are.
I would like to emphasize that I wasn't eavesdropping, because they were loud.
And the thing that turn me off is that they were both speaking in a manner like they were bosses of companies or something, which they apparently are not.
They were both showing off to each other how wealthy and capable they are.
One of the conversation they exchanged was:

Man A: "Hey you know the xx Company? The profit they earn is like $16 million dollars!"
Man B: "Huh? You mean annually?"
Man A: "Eh, ya."
Man B: "Not a lot what. Big deal." (continue eating)
Man A: "Oh is it." (embarrassed)
*A relatively awkward silence followed*

But what I don't understand is that why bother discussing such issues and showing off when you guys are still students? I mean, don't have to put friends down this way right.
After awhile they left and I swore that I felt that the air there was clearer.

I'm still mugging pitifully. Wish me luck, don't fall sick. 
As the year comes to an end, cars manufacturer are busy coming up with new designs with their already available models and models! 

Fetish for red cars! Please have more designs available for Singapore! 

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mac Delivery is the love! 

Order Mac Delivery and get a chance to win Sony Ericsson Hello Kitty Mobile Phones!
Pay with UOB credit card & Double your chance of winning!
Why wait? Hurry & Call now. 67773777

Prizes To Be Won
Week 1- 4 (19 Oct to 15 Nov): 8 Sony Ericsson W396 
Hello Kitty edition mobile phones per week. 

Week 5 (16 to 22 Nov): 10 sets of Hello Kitty 35th Anniversary
Happy Meal™ Toys (36 figurines per set).

Thursday, October 15, 2009


physical beauty; comeliness.
1350–1400; ME < class="ital-inline" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); line-height: 1.25em; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; font-style: italic; ">pulchritūdō beauty, equiv. to pulchri- (comb. form of pulcher beautiful) + -tūdō -tude 

loveliness, beauteousness, fairness.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

In this realistic world what is more true than kinship?
Friendship, relationship, whatever.
We got to admit that the world is practical.
People are practical.
Nothing is not about money, nothing is not about status.
Wearing a Prada instead of an unknown China brand is a difference.
People see you differently.
Having an Oxford degree instead of any University in Taiwan is an investment.
We, human beings know all these facts.
We people know how practical this world is.
But often, inevitably we still get hurt by changing lifestyles, people, environment and even ourselves.
We ask ourselves why is people around us changing, why is prices increasing, why is my pay lower and lower.
Everyone knows, this is practical, the world is never about fair play.
We break ties, bonds and heart all for our own interest.
You're born wealthy, good for you.
But if you're born poor, too bad, suffer in poverty.
People come and go, people might just stab you on the back and leaves.
The hurt will always remain, blame yourself for not being careful.
Nothing is forever, every ties will be broken.
Even your closest friend, or your dearest companion.
This is life. Face it.