Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Wealth isn't the only way out."

Monday, July 20, 2009

"Learn to accept the expected outcome"

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fame's just an empty spin cycle

I honestly hate losing.
This time round, I lost to you.
Lost so hard, even admitting defeat hurts.
I'm sorry to not had been the one you expected.
I deserve these.
I will learn to lose, and learn to admit to losing.
Thank you, that special someone.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sometimes I think that I'm a big loser.
People can move on without me, but why can't I?
After farewells, they're always so glad and happy but yet I'm still losing grip.
People just laugh it off, but I'd hold'em so tightly.
Despite getting hurt and yet not giving up.
What was it for?
For all the bullshit memories?
Or for all the unrealistic thoughts?
Oh please, nothing calls for memories.
All that's just bullshit.
They ditch them away like throwing away rubbish without regrets nor misery.
Get it?
Silly girl.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This is no touching story or made up stories made by the media, it is true emotions of a young child towards her father. His children meant his world, tried method and ways to protect them, yet being critisized by the public. He is a normal person, a father who loved his children like any other father if he is scrapped off his "legendary" title. True kinship do exist. Cherish them before losing them. They'll be the only people who'll stand by you, the ones who'll act as your support. The ones who'll forgive you no matter what you does.

I love you mummy, daddy 

LOS ANGELES (AFP) - - Michael Jackson's young daughter, Paris, stepped out of the shadows Tuesday to pay moving tribute to the late star saying: "Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine."

"Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. And I just wanted to say I love him so much," she told the hushed audience, before breaking down in tears.

After tributes from Jackson's brothers, Jermaine and Marlon, Paris said she wanted to talk and struggled only slightly with adjusting the microphone to her height.

"Speak up," her aunt Janet Jackson said softly, as Paris, dressed in a simple black dress, with a white waistband and holding a black clutch bag, bade her father a public goodbye.

Paris Katherine and her brothers, Prince Michael, 12, and Prince Michael II, seven, had joined a host of stars on the stage at the end of the long tribute singing along to "We are the World."

It was the first time the world had caught more than just a fleeting glimpse of the three youngsters, as Jackson, 50, always fiercely shielded his children from the public limelight.

His former wife of three years, Debbie Rowe, is the mother of the two eldest children, while the third also known as "Blanket" was born in 2002 to a surrogate whose identity has never been made public.

After being thrust into the spotlight from the age of five, Jackson went to extreme lengths to protect his children such as covering their faces in veils or masks whenever they were in public.

And they have not been seen since his mysterious death on June 25 from an apparent cardiac arrest.

But the three children joined other members of the Jackson clan at the Los Angeles Staples Center ceremony Tuesday, sitting between their grandparents Katherine and Joe Jackson just in front of the 14-karat gold casket bearing the body of their father.

At times Paris dissolved into tears as star after star spoke of Jackson's legacy to the world, while her youngest brother played with a Michael Jackson doll on his lap.

But she stood and applauded as civil rights leader Al Sharpton addressed the children directly and said fiercely: "There weren't nothing strange about your daddy."

"It was strange what your daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it," Sharpton said, his voice rising in the rich cadence of a sermon.

Temporary custody of the children has so far been granted to Katherine Jackson, in line with the terms of Jackson's will, which also names pop diva Diana Ross as a back-up guardian.

But Rowe, who signed away her parental rights to her two children in 2001, has vowed to fight for them in what could presage a bitter legal battle, even though they are believed to have had little contact over the years.

"I want my children," Debbie Rowe told NBC television's local network in Los Angeles last week, adding she was willing to submit to any testing, including DNA, to prove she was the biological mother of Prince Michael and Paris.

Her lawyer Eric George later appeared to dial back on his client's comments, saying in a conference call no final decision had been made.

A custody hearing has now been set for Monday.


I by passed a primary school nearby and overheard a conversation between two little girls.
Girl shouted in Indian tone: (name)! Why you everyday eat ice cream one huh?
Reply: Hot ma.
Girl: You eat so many ice cream later got H1N1 ah.
Reply: ...
Somehow, kids talk in a way that you can't understand.
They don't mind people looking at them, puzzled.
This is how genuine kids are.
How genuine are we?

Monday, July 6, 2009

My dear friend,
do you still remember those time we spent together?
Are you still constantly reading my blog?
I'm still extremely sorry for what I've done.
Will you still be there when I need someone?
Driving me around to cheer me up?
Buying me lollipop and chewing gums when you drive off to JB?
Drive me out no matter how late and speed me home?
Bring me to eat my favorite food?
Play my favorite songs in your player?
Allowing me and only me to smoke in your car?
Lecture me and advising when I lose grip of myself?
Care and concern like an elder brother?
Lending me a shoulder when I need one?
Slack with me when I don't feel like going home?
Bringing me to my favorite places when I'm sad?

I miss you my dear friend.
Take care.

Sharon was a zesty and outgoing girl.
She was Miss popular, she had many friends and in fact,
she was much more of those her age.
Life for her was perfect, she knew what to say, what to do.
Almost everyone was her best friend.
She knew exactly what to do to win everyone's heart.
In other words, she had everything she wanted.
But nobody knew, deep down, she feels insecure.
All that she has was just like a illusion to her.
She schemed to get more, yet hurting people and herself inevitably.
At last, she hurt everyone, and herself.
As she was insecure, jealous and lousy.
Sharon was a clone of me.
I'm scary.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

It's happening again.
I'm so sorry.
I really am.
I hate this feeling, of being so empty, and lonely.
Honestly, who can I cry to?
You know, I do love you, so much, that I'm trying my best to give in.
I'm trying my best to be fine, to give you excuses.
Can you see?
Although, you're no longer the guy I once knew, but I know, there are still elements..
Today, things happened, I doubted if you're still the one.
I want to stay like this, or better.
But are you willing to?
You hear but don't listen.
You know, but don't acknowledge.
Please, be a responsible man, be someone I can trust and confide on.
Be someone whom protect and teaches me, instead of the other way round.
Is it even possible?
Tell me.
I have nothing, I only have you honestly.
I don't wanna lose you, you know?
Please, don't make me feel disappointed, again and again.
I'm tired.
I know you doesn't understand why am I so angry and frustrated today.
Because you're not doing what you should do, instead of making me feeling worse.
Ask yourself, every time I'm angry, have you ever done, or said anything to make me feel better?
What do you want?
Set priorities for yourself.
Can you put in at least a little effort to understand me?
I don't say things out, but once I say, It'll be harsh and it'll be like me throwing hard cold stones at you.
I don't want to do that, so can you try?
Sometimes, I'm so angry that I feel like slapping you, wanting you to wake up.
It's not every time Shihan, and Shihan.
I know it myself why can you?
You have your friends, your family, your studies.
I don't want someone whom blindly love me.
Love yourself.
I don't want it to be, because of Shihan, you can't do this you can't attend that.
Had you ever tried understanding me?
I can play some foolish game for 1 hour, without talking to you.
Can't you see that I want to be alone?
Do you truly not understood or you just wanna be stubborn as it is?
I can't believe I'm typing like this.
But, there is just so much frustration in me that I wanna say.
Pick up your phone.
What if one day I am no longer around?
By doing what you're doing, you'll lose everything soon.
I don't want that to happen.
I love you, I don't wanna lose you.
Can you change?
I don't know how many times this would happen.
It may be forever and ever, but when. Will you truly change?