Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm sorry.

Sometimes I think that I am so spoilt. ( Actually most of the time )
That I have such confidence that it becomes stuck up.
I couldn't lower my pride and I know that it causes many unnecessary misunderstandings and arguments.
I made everybody angry, worried, sad and disappointed today.
Just because of my mood swings and pride.
There are so much flaws in me, that I started to doubt my capabilities.
There's so much for me to learn and I just keep feeling that the time that I have is not enough.
However, when I've got the time, I kept procrastinating.
Nevertheless, through quarrels and arguments, I've learnt and I really hope that I'll be able to change.
I realised, most of the time, I am the demanding one and I never learnt to listen.
I am just so full of myself that I didn't bother listening.
Perhaps, it is all because of the responsibilities given.
Am I changing for the better? I don't even know. Do you?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Work, work & work..

I realised that I haven't been using proper English for a very very long time.
& I'm kinda hooked up on dota.
I feel so tired nowadays, like my soul is not with me.
Almost everything was with my eyes closed.
Work was like hell, so I've decided to quit after this month.
I'll be a free person! :)
After quitting, I will concentrate on my online boutique.
I will not announce the domain till further notice.
It's still under construction, and I swear that there are still a lot of things needs to be done!
Stressed, stressed, stressed..
Photo shoots are done, but my web page is not.
Sigh, there's so much to do but there's so little time!
I get less than 8 hours of sleep everyday..
I don't bother about my nails..
& I'm looking more tired day by day.
Oh god, save me.
I should find one day, go shopping, mani/pedicure & cut my hair!
& that is some more things to do.
Furthermore, CNY is coming..
More things are needed to be done.
Give me more time please please.
I need some beauty sleep already.
Night night. :)

♥ Shihan :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pink party top on sale!

Going at $20.00 only! Brand new, fits up to 18" ptp. :)
Mail me soon!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New year & new year resolutions!

New layout, for a new year and a new start.
Last year was pretty tedious year for me.
Also, it was a life changing year.
It was hard for me to be disciplined, but I still managed to do it.
Gone through many ups and downs and struggled with my overwhelming emotions over a zillion times last year.
It was truly a no-life year for me, but well, my efforts have not go down to drain.
Gladly, I managed to show some results (heehee).
I'm glad that my folks have been supporting me and of course my boyfriend who bear with all my tantrums and is still willing to love and care for me no matter how unreasonable I am.
I am truly grateful.
Without all of you, I have no idea what state I will be in right now.
Guiding me and advising me, although I might get impatient on the way, but you guys never left me alone throughout all these years.
I hope this year will be a fruitful year, as well as a year with happiness and much less trouble.

New year Resolutions

  • Dye/Trim my hair regularly
  • Trim my brows regularly
  • Make myself a new pair of spectacle and not spoiling/losing it.
  • Try my best not to lose my Blackberry
  • Go to school/work punctually
  • Start studying and research about SATs
  • Try not to lose my temper
  • Be nicer to my boyfriend
  • Go to his house ( I really really have to try hard )
  • Tidy my bed before going out
  • Buy/feed kitty food for my cats regularly
  • Shop lesser
  • Stop biting my nails ( something that I've been trying for years )
  • Be a dota pro.
  • Tidy my closet
  • Keep my room cleaaaaaaaaaaan ( Whoa, must try really hard )
  • Be less dependent on boyfriend
  • Meet up friends more often
  • Keep daddy accompany more often
  • Do not scorn at people ( But sometimes those faggots really are fucking irritating! )
  • Keep my thoughts to myself ( Sometimes I will say out loud my personal thoughts.. )
  • Be less whiny
  • Keep up good grades
  • Give myself more stress
  • Don't slack or be happy-go-lucky ( I hate this kinda people )
  • Read more books.

Okay, that is A lot to do. But I can do it :) Oh and one more, update my blog regularly. (heehee)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My love.

I'm doing researches on several overseas universities, but the criterias are rather demanding.
I guess it would be rather difficult to be getting into one of the more prestigous ones.
Although, Australia's a nice country and the universities offered many courses for international students, I still prefer education at UK or US.

My dear boy is rather upset these few days.
Upon seeing how excited I am about studying, he felt like he was not a part of all these.
Sweet heart, you know that's not true..
Although we can't be at the same pace.
We will still study and live together.
We will cook and stay in our cozy rented apartment.
With two laptops, we will play dota together!
Shouting and screaming, kissing and scolding.
Lying on our coaches and watch dvds together on a wide flat-screened television.
Me complaining at you to wash your own dishes and laundry, but still ending up doing all the chores for you.
Asking you to move the furnitures around for me to vacuum the floor and pestering you to remove the bug from the toilet.
Driving to the nearby restaurants to have lunch or dinner and frequent the malls together to shop.
There are so many so many things I want to do with you.
Do you?
I am so glad that we still love each other so much.
I will always be there for you.
Going through all the hardships and happiness together.
I love you sweetheart :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


How do you define lies?
"a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood."
Then what makes a liar?

It is almost impossible to find someone who don't lie at all.
Lies are facades of the truth. Why do we have to lie?
Because we people like to complicate stuffs and situations.
You lie to cover one of your lies and another and another.
But you can never escape from the clutches of truth.
There will definitely be loopholes.
Perhaps, the truth is easier to accept..