Monday, September 27, 2010

This post is for my friends who asked me about my recent facebook status.

"Like you said, I don't know shit about you and you don't give a damn how I see you. I'm thinking likewise too. So stop poking your nose into other people's life. You're so insecure that you have to degrade others to make yourself feel better. Just mind you own pathetic, pitiful life. Cause your threats don't affect me at all. :)"

Some background info: I'm referring to a 18 year old, JC girl. (from what I've heard from my friends)

She had been constantly insulting me (twitter, facebook, text), I've been trying to ignore all her flames till recently, where she sent me a message in my facebook.

Why is she doing this?
Cause her ex-boyfriend left her, and she thinks that it's all because of me.

Does she know me?
No. She don't know me at all. Likewise here. So all the information that I'm saying is from my friends. But anyway, she's an asshole.

The conversation between us: I've used fake names just in case she go all crazy (again) reading this post, and to protect my friend.

A-Crazy girl
B-My friend

A: hi shihan. you prolly know who i am already. yup. im A, B's ex girlfriend. i kinda heard about what is going on between you and B. you dont really have to reply or take this message seriously if it makes you v uncomfortable, cuz i honestly dont give a shit if you do. (Then what makes you think I'll give a shit?) anyway. in case you dont know what happened between us: we have dated for quite a while(about 2 years plus), then you came in between us. you may say that you are not a third party but i think you are, but thats not the point, it doesnt really matter anymore. (if it doesn't matter why bother telling me?)i seriously dont understand what B sees in you but back to my main point. my main purpose of writing this message to you becuz i still care about B. its not that im not over him or anything, i am. i have long accepted that our relationship is never gonna work out and have moved on already. (By saying long, she's referring to a week? Cause B still receives weird texts from her, & if she's over B, she wouldn't tell me all these shit.) but anyway. i hope that you will treat B with the respect that he deserves. i wonder if B ever told you before, but one of the reasons why we broke up is also because he didnt give me enough attention/spend enough time with me. (So? Should I feel sad for her? Honestly, I don't think that she deserves any attention) the fact that he is giving you so much attention now(in contrast to our relationship), you should really treasure it. dont say that he is too possessive or give you too much attention, cuz it takes two hands to clap. you guys should just talk it out and talk it out is not equals to quarrel. well, thats if you even still care about him. i dont know what is your status like with him now. but im saying that you should give him and yourself a chance. he can be a dick at times, but i guess you just have to be more patient. call me a bitch or wtv for writing this message to you, i seriously dont give a shit, im doing this becuz i care about B, and dont you dare hurt him. (Wtf?)oh and btw.

fyi. there is no such thing as alcohols unless you are using it as a chemistry term(organic compounds) otherwise its alcohol without the s:) (Obviously she's trying to act like a smart ass. -.-)

Me:I don't feel offended at all and I'm glad that B has a friend who cares for him. Firstly, he left you because of you having a bad attitude, something like this. And also, always telling people what to do and not what to do but not bothering about how other people would feel. I believe that you're a smart girl and most likely, you'd know that this message you sent me wouldn't do B any good. (What's your motive? Me scolding the hell out of him and let him call you again? Crazy.) Thus, if your intention is to benefit B, I don't think that you'd used a smart way of talking. I appreciate your care but I would definitely hope that this will be the last time I hear from you. Cause, I don't really care about how a stranger think of me or my issues. :)

This reply was still considerably nice from me. I'm sure my intention was at peace. But her reply was...

A: Wtf. You honestly don't know what went wrong between us huh, don't act like you do. Don't give me this kind of shit that I'm some kind of stranger (Eh, I don't even know you so if you're not a stranger then you are?) cuz I'm not. B did willing come to talk to me and stuff in case you didn't know.I never intended to contact him at all. I seriously wouldn't in a million years would wanna talk to you but becuz of B, I did. I don't give a damn either about what you think about me, cuz I know what I'm capable of, and my limits. And at least, I wouldn't play with people's feelings. who the heck do you think you are. (Then who the heck do you think you are to ask me to do some reflection?) Seriously. Plz do some reflection, cuz I seriously think you need it:)

Me: You are a stranger, cause you don't know shit about me. I don't have to show a judgmental, jealous stranger how much I care and respect him, he knows it. Honestly, have you ever thought why did he speak to you that day? It was just to piss me off (he admitted it), he was making use of you. Clearly, you don't know your limits cause you're way off your limits. Any sane person would go for someone or something better than what they already have, so since he ditched you for me, who do you think need more reflection? He know's who's better and who's not. Perhaps your pilot guy would realize one day who he is really dating. I didn't point a gun at his head to force him to do anything. He left you willingly. At least, I didn't betray my soul, principles or body just to get a guy (back). Remember that night that he called you? He gave you excuses to hang up the phone, I don't why are you so thick-skinned and forbid him to go play his game or go to eat. Are you deluding yourself or you're just plain dumb to think that he would still wanna talk to you after scolding the living shit out of you? He'd never done that to me before, that shows how much he loathe talking to you. A friend who is sad, calling you to tell you about his problems and the girl you love. (lol. I wrote wrongly :() Instead of comforting your friend, you insulted the girl, scolded your friend and ends up getting yourself scolded. Who do you think need reflection? :)

Me: The girl he loves*. Oh, I've forgotten, you do love girls too. :( (Heard that she was a lesbyyy)

I was kinda mean in this reply, cause I wanted her a taste of her own medicine. She's been constantly degrading me, so I think it's time that I do something rightttt. I think she felt the sting, she's full of angst. Her next reply....

A: fuck you. (Woah, feel the sting now?) you know no shit about me. im not a lesbian. arent you being judgmental here yourself. you seriously have issues. (lol. All along she's insulting and degrading me so I think she have more issueseseseses. ultimate a lot of issues!) me and the guy we are in love and i can tell you it will last longer than any of your silly relationships (What about your relationships? Finding an extra guy just to forget B.) cuz you know nothing about respect. (Hello? I was even treating her -- ultimate asshole with respect, until she really got on my nerves) and fuck i dont give a shit if he doesnt want to talk to me again, cuz it doesnt matter anymore anyway. i have other people to talk to and other people i cared about, i pitied him thats why i talked to him. (If it was pure pity, you wouldn't come talk to me dumbass) im not jealous, in fact im grateful, becuz you took him away thats why i able to have found someone that can truly appreciate me for who i really am. im not afraid to show people who i really am, and i dont give a shit if people like you think that im shit, cuz im not. and if you are saying that only sane people will go for people better. then you must be dating someone who is insane, just take a look in the mirror, you can already see the disparity. (So you think you really know me that well? lol) the reason why i scolded the living shit out of him is becuz he deserves it, he doesnt need someone who is like you. (How am I like? You know me for like 10 years?) after what he did to me, i dont need no reflection, i have done nothing wrong. i dont deserve to be treated the way i did. and you certainly shouldnt treat him the way that you are right now.

She talks like Miss. know-it-all. Wtf?

Me: Haha. I didn't call you a lesbian did I? If it was just pure pity you have towards B you wouldn't do this or sending him a text telling him the reasons you guys broke up. I believe that he's sane. Cause he don't need a rude, busy body girlfriend like you. Anyway, this conversation ain't getting nowhere. You've made your point. But what we gonna do doesn't concern you. So just mind your own fucking pitiful life. :)

No more reply from her, cause she's lost for words. But after this, she sent a text to B telling him the 1001 reasons why their relationship ended and scolded him for making use of her. Hey, wtf man. If you didn't come talk to me like that, you wouldn't get yourself hurt again. Perhaps, you should learn to keep your comments and thoughts to yourself. Cause you don't even know me. I'm not the world's most wonderful being but I'm sure I've got a better character than you. Cause you're a judgmental, rude, spoilt girl. I honestly feel bad for my nasty remarks, but I still think that you deserve a taste of your own medicine. How do you like it? When someone who don't know shit about you comment about you like this.

I don't wish to hear from her anymore, cause she's just a plain waste of my time.

Friday, September 10, 2010